магазин Лувр


Luvr-shop.ru/administrator/index.php is a website address that belongs to the administrator section of a web store called Luvr Shop. This is where the site owner or manager can access and manage the backend of the website, including inventory, customer data, and order tracking.

Features and Capabilities

The administrator section of Luvr Shop is where the site owner or manager can access a range of tools and features to help them manage their web store. Here are some of the key capabilities that are available:

User Interface

The Luvr Shop administrator section features a clean and simple user interface that is easy to navigate and use. The main dashboard provides a summary of key sales and customer metrics, while the top menu bar enables quick access to all key features and settings. Users can also customize and save their own dashboards for easier access to frequently used tools and reports.


Luvr-shop.ru/administrator/index.php is a critical part of the Luvr Shop web store, enabling the owner or manager to manage inventory, customers, orders, and site settings with ease. With powerful features, robust security, and an intuitive user interface, it is a valuable tool for anyone running an online store.