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The Saboteur. Сохраняются только миссии. Как сохранять во время их?

The Saboteur is an action-packed open-world game developed by Pandemic Studios and published by Electronic Arts. Set in Paris during World War II, the game allows players to step into the shoes of Sean Devlin, an Irish racing mechanic turned resistance fighter. As players progress through the game, they are assigned various missions to undermine the Nazi occupation and liberate Paris.

One common concern among players of The Saboteur is the lack of an automatic save feature. This means that players can lose progress if they quit the game without completing a mission or reaching a designated checkpoint. However, there are ways to ensure that your progress is saved mid-mission. Here's how:

1. Manual Save

The game offers a manual save feature that allows players to save their progress at any point during a mission. To manually save your progress, pause the game and select the "Save Game" option from the menu. Be sure to choose a new save slot each time to avoid overwriting previous saves. This way, if you need to quit the game, you can start from where you left off.

2. Complete Additional Objectives

The Saboteur often includes additional objectives within missions. By completing these objectives, players can trigger an auto-save feature. These objectives could range from collecting intel to assassinating specific targets. Keep an eye out for these additional tasks and try to complete them whenever possible. This way, even if you need to quit the game, you won't lose progress after completing the bonus objective.

3. Fast Travel

The game features a fast travel system that allows players to quickly move between safe houses and mission areas. Utilizing this system can be a smart move to save progress. Whenever you reach a checkpoint within a mission or complete a significant task, fast travel back to a safe house. This will trigger an auto-save and ensure that you won't lose your recent achievement if you need to quit the game.

4. Plan Ahead

Before starting a mission in The Saboteur, take a moment to evaluate your available time. If you know you won't be able to complete the entire mission in one sitting, consider postponing it until you have enough time available. Starting a mission without sufficient time to finish it could result in losing progress. Plan your gaming sessions accordingly to ensure you can dedicate enough time to complete each mission.

Remember, The Saboteur is an adventure where every action contributes to the liberation of Paris. Losing progress due to a lack of save points can be frustrating, but following these tips can help you avoid it. By manually saving, completing additional objectives, utilizing fast travel, and planning ahead, you'll be able to ensure that your progress is safeguarded even in the face of Nazi resistance. So go out there, sabotage the enemy, and let freedom reign in Paris once again!