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Organiser for Mouline Gamma OGP50

When it comes to embroidery, organized threads can make a huge difference in the final product. The Organiser for Mouline Gamma OGP50 is the perfect solution for those who want to keep their threads in check.

Features of the Organiser

Advantages of Using the Organiser

How to Use the Organiser

  1. Sort your Mouline Gamma OGP50 threads by color.
  2. Place each thread in a separate slot in the Organiser.
  3. You can label each slot with the corresponding color to make it easier to find the thread you need.


The Organiser for Mouline Gamma OGP50 is an indispensable tool for any embroidery enthusiast. It keeps the threads organized, accessible, and tangle-free, which can save you time and help improve the quality of your embroidery projects. Get yours today at luvr-shop.ru/aksessuary/organajsery/organajser_dlya_muline_gamma_ogp50.